Koba is shaking up the flexible workspace industry by prioritizing sustainability in every corner of their operation. My partners and I founded Koba to confront the throwaway culture plaguing the property sector, where discarded office furniture unnecessarily burdens landfills and inflates greenhouse gas emissions. Collaborating with Cast Interiors and sustainability leader Drees & Sommer, we’ve crafted a manifesto to redefine workspace quality, launching our first eco-friendly site, Koba @ 100 Barbirolli Square in Manchester. By refurbishing and remanufacturing old materials and furniture, we not only create top-notch workplaces but also contribute to a circular economy and reduce environmental impact. Our pioneering Material Passports initiative enhances material reuse, supporting a greener future for the construction industry and our planet. Have you ever wondered what happens to all that office furniture when companies move or update their spaces? If you think it just magically disappears, you’re in for a surprise. In reality, our throwaway culture affects everything, including the property sector. Old, outdated, or not-fit-for-purpose office furniture often ends up in landfills, contributing dramatically to the waste crisis. Can you imagine this waste piling up every day? It’s shocking, to say the least.

Koba Aiming to Disrupt the Flexible Workspace Market with Sustainability

How We Came to Launch Koba

To tackle this enormous problem, my partners and I created Koba. Our goal was simple: to move away from traditional wasteful practices and offer high-quality, sustainable flexible workspaces. Sounds ambitious, right? Well, here’s the kicker—we back everything up with solid evidence, not just pretty words.

Our Partners Speak Volumes

We have teamed up with Cast Interiors and Drees & Sommer to turn our vision into reality. While Cast Interiors focuses on integrated delivery services, Drees & Sommer brings in their expertise in sustainability. Together, we’ve crafted a manifesto that outlines how we can create phenomenal workspaces in the UK that are also eco-friendly.

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Launching Koba @ 100 Barbirolli Square

Our first flex site, Koba @ 100 Barbirolli Square in Manchester, is launching later this year. Think of it as our grand debut, where we’ll showcase how to implement our sustainability manifesto. This site will not only serve as a dynamic workspace but will also set a benchmark for our future projects.

Breathing New Life into Office Furniture

Now, let’s talk specifics: one of the key areas where we are making a difference is office furniture. You might think it’s just a minor aspect, but wait until you hear what we’re doing. Instead of buying new, we focus on refurbishing and remanufacturing existing furniture. This way, each piece gets multiple lives, significantly cutting down on waste.

Refurbish vs. Remanufacture

There are several steps we take:

  1. Refurbishing: We restore furniture to its former glory.
  2. Remanufacturing: We overhaul used pieces, redesign them, and replace worn-out parts.

But that’s not all. When we do need new furniture, we opt for UK-based companies that use highly sustainable materials. This approach achieves multiple goals:

  • Decreases waste
  • Reduces landfill load
  • Lowers environmental impact
  • Cuts down on extra office expenditure
  • Attracts talent keen on sustainability

Why All This Matters

You might be wondering why this is so essential. Let me break it down. Our strategy helps businesses meet their sustainability targets by reducing waste, which in turn eases the load on landfills and conserves resources. It also lowers the energy consumption needed for new furniture production. In essence, it’s a win-win for everyone involved.

Benefits of a Circular Economy

Our circular economy approach keeps products in use for as long as possible. Additionally, we support local industries by partnering with them for refurbishment and remanufacturing work.

Material Passports: Our Game-Changer

We’ve also taken things a notch higher with the introduction of Material Passports, in collaboration with Madaster. Think of it as a digital ID for materials that tracks their journey. These passports measure the circularity of each material and provide valuable feedback to our customers. Not only does this pave the way for better sustainability, but it also transforms how the construction industry reuses and repurposes materials.

Koba Aiming to Disrupt the Flexible Workspace Market with Sustainability

Designing the Future of Work

It’s not just about creating office spaces; it’s about designing the future of work. Each Koba workspace is crafted with sustainability at its core, aimed at landlords and occupiers who wish to make a positive impact on the planet and society.

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Sustainability at the Core

Our approach ensures that sustainability is not an afterthought but an integral part of the design and operation of our workspaces. From refurbishing office furniture to introducing digital innovations like Material Passports, every step is geared towards a greener, more sustainable future.

The Importance of Local Procurement

When it comes to sustainability, local procurement plays a significant role. By sourcing furniture and materials locally, we not only reduce our carbon footprint but also support the local economy. This practice fosters a sense of community and responsibility, which is crucial for sustainable development.

Benefits of Local Sourcing

  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: Less transportation means lower emissions.
  • Economic Support: Boosts the local economy and creates jobs.
  • Quality Assurance: Ensures high-quality standards as we can easily oversee the procurement process.

Pioneering a New Era of Workspaces

With all these initiatives, Koba aims to disrupt the flexible workspace market by setting new standards in sustainability. Our focus is not just on creating spaces where people work, but on crafting environments that inspire and thrive.

Innovation in Flex Spaces

Innovation is at the heart of what we do. By integrating sustainable practices, digital innovations, and a circular economy model, we are pioneering a new era of flexible workspaces. This approach not only benefits the environment but also provides a better, more inspiring workplace for individuals and businesses.

Engaging with the Community

We believe that sustainability is a collective effort. Engaging with the community, whether through partnerships, local procurement, or customer feedback, is vital for our success. We aim to create a ripple effect where our sustainable practices inspire others to follow suit.

Collaboration and Feedback

Engagement goes both ways. By collaborating with experts and listening to our customers, we continuously improve our practices. This feedback loop ensures that we stay updated with the latest sustainable trends and technologies, making our workspaces even better over time.

Workshops and Events

To further engage with the community, we plan to host workshops and events focused on sustainability and innovation in the workplace. These events will provide a platform for knowledge sharing and foster a community of like-minded individuals and organizations.

Measuring Our Impact

To ensure that we are truly making a difference, we have set up metrics to measure our impact. This includes tracking the amount of waste reduced, the number of remanufactured furniture pieces, and the overall reduction in carbon footprint.

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Transparency and Accountability

Transparency is key. By openly sharing our progress and challenges, we hold ourselves accountable and build trust with our stakeholders. This transparency also allows others to learn from our experiences, further promoting sustainable practices in the industry.

Regular Audits

Regular audits and assessments help us stay on track. These evaluations provide insights into what’s working and what needs improvement, ensuring that we continue to push the boundaries of sustainability.

Customer Success Stories

Hearing how our sustainable workspaces have positively impacted our customers is incredibly rewarding. From reduced operational costs to attracting top-tier talent, our customers have experienced numerous benefits.

Case Studies

We plan to publish case studies showcasing these success stories. These real-life examples will serve as inspiration and provide practical insights into how sustainable workspaces can be beneficial for businesses.


Customer testimonials also play a crucial role in highlighting our impact. By sharing these stories, we aim to demonstrate the tangible benefits of our sustainable approach.

The Future of Koba

Looking ahead, we have big plans for Koba. Our goal is to continue expanding our footprint, creating more sustainable workspaces across the UK and eventually worldwide. We are committed to leading by example and driving change in the industry.

Expansion Plans

We have identified several potential sites for future Koba workspaces. Each new site will adhere to our sustainability manifesto, ensuring that we maintain our high standards.

Continuous Innovation

Innovation never stops. We will continue to explore new technologies and practices to enhance our workspaces further. This commitment to continuous improvement ensures that we remain at the forefront of sustainability in the flexible workspace market.


Koba is more than just a flexible workspace provider; we are pioneers in creating sustainable, high-quality workspaces. By focusing on refurbishing and remanufacturing office furniture, introducing innovative tools like Material Passports, and engaging with the community, we aim to set new standards in the industry. Our journey is just beginning, and we invite you to join us in making a positive impact on the planet and its people.

Whether you’re a business looking for a sustainable workspace or an individual passionate about sustainability, Koba has something to offer. Together, we can create a future where workspaces are not only functional and attractive but also environmentally friendly and sustainable. So, let’s get to work and make a difference, one flexible workspace at a time.

Thank you for reading! If you’re interested in learning more about our sustainable practices, upcoming projects, or how you can get involved, feel free to visit our website or contact us directly. Let’s build a better, more sustainable future together.

Remember, every small step counts. And at Koba, we’re taking giant leaps.